
In the Wake of the Flood

Off Monday and Tuesday, after working the weekend, then at work Wednesday and Thursday.  Picking up the pieces after the New Carpet Laying.  We spent Wednesday and Thursday getting our equipment reconnected and functioning.  Tonight MC and I reshelved special reference collections:  Small Business, Consumer, Investing, Florida, local directories.  We won't get everything back in place until the new year; many staff members are on holiday.

I've been thinking all week about what to bring to confession for Advent.  I've been a Christian for thirty years, and a Catholic for twenty-one, and I find myself at a loss just now to accuse myself of anything very damning.  But then I think, "What does the Pope confess?"   What do the legion of devoted and faithful churchwomen confess?  What did St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila confess?

I remember my first talks with Father George Kontos, the Rector of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, when I began to seek baptism.  He talked to me a lot about brokenness.  Sin is about being broken, about your life not working.  It is a lot more helpful to think about how I am broken than it is to work up a list of sins; about hidden wounds so painful that I don't want anyone to touch them.

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