
It's OK

Had a request for It's OK Not to Share, and noticed these reassuring titles in the library catalog.

It's ok if you're clueless : and 23 more tips for the college bound.

It's OK not to share.

It's OK to be you : a frank and funny guide to growing up.

It's ok to go up the slide : renegade rules for raising confident and creative kids.

It's OK to make mistakes.

It's ok to tell : a story of hope and recovery.

It's okay to be different.

It's okay to be the boss : the step-by-step guide to becoming the manager your employees need.

It's okay to miss the bed on the first jump : and other life lessons I learned from dogs.

It's okay to say no : choosing sexual abstinence.

It's okay to sleep with him on the first date : and every other rule of dating, debunked.

The last one is misleading at first glance.  I guess it's meant to show you how wrong it sounds to say it out loud.

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