
Blogging Reference

10:07  Open.

WSJ came w/o section A.  Called in "delivery issue" to robot.

A/C is off.  Facilities thinks yesterday's thunderstorm may have caused "chiller" to shut down.

SIRSI, (library system software) is down.  Have to issue guest passes for PC's even to cardholders.

Overslept.  No time for breakfast, so brought boiled eggs, but M. brought samosas!  Delish!

Where is handout w book award lists?  Don't recall ever having one.  Can look up for him?  No, will do it himself.

A/C seems to be working now.

Where is restroom?

10:20 SIRSI up.

Today's NYT.

Returns Tallahassee Democrat.  Do me a favor, put it back together when you're through, I say, (putting the sections in order).  Think of the next person who's going to use it.  Says he is sorry.  Stifle urge to rant about self-centeredness of the homeless.  Tired of tidying their messes.

Where is Family Story Time?  Say Program Room, but see it's in use by another group.  Ask JD in Childrens'.  Is in Easy area of Childrens'.

His mouse pointer is frozen.  Mouse ball is very dirty.  Replace w clean one.  Still doesn't move.  Restart PC.

Make round of non-fiction area.  Straighten travel section.  Empty water from last night's leak out of wastebasket,

PC for Kinchlow.  Is visiting Tally for swim meet.

11:15  Make round of fiction area.  An upholstered chair has escaped from the conference room.  J. told me at closing yesterday.  Forgot to put it back this a.m.  Man has installed himself in it with huge plastic flagon & laptop.  Will wait 'til he's gone to put it back.

Kinchlow's done w 49 minutes left.  Offer to another patron.

11:34 Not bad for a Sat. morn.

Do we have any Chelsea Handler?  Are you there, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea is on shelf in bookmobile.  Get key from MC.  As always, find in last of half dozen places to look down there.

Brown wants another session.  Has a card but doesn't actually "have" it, or some such.  Don't feel like being hard-ass.  There's no queue to speak of, so give him another.  Get your card issue resolved and bring it with you to be sure of a second session, I advise him.

11:53  L., our volunteer is here.  We've missed each other for many weeks, she having been out of town on my Saturdays.

12:00  Lunch!

1:03  Back.  MK gone to lunch

Phone:  Man w three business titles, Rework, by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson, How Successful People Think, by John C.Maxwell, and The Ultimate Strategy Library: The 50 Most Influential Strategic Ideas of All Time,  by John Middleton, none of which we own.  Send all three to Purchase/Interlibrary Loan.

MK gives me number of woman who wants requests pulled for pickup, Liberty and Tyranny, by Mark Levin, book & CD's both, Making Comics, by Scott McCloud, and  Drawing Words and Writing Pictures, by Jessica Abel.  Can't locate Liberty and Tyranny.

Woman picks up ILL photocopy, signs copyright notice.

MK back, move to satellite station.

Don't see Levin CD's in Media.  Get keys from VB, down to bookmobile again for other print copy of Levin.  3 out of 4 anyway.

She wants books on "multiples".  I hesitate, so she says twins.  Ah.  Take to shelf.

Tutor needs to get into the ESOL classroom for materials.  V. says send her down for key.

Entrepreneur Magazine's How to Become an Internet Entrepreneur.  Place hold.  Update contact info.  Show him similar titles.

Rennie K. from church says she and Kaz both enjoyed McCullough's Path Between the Seas.  Her pictures of their cruise through the Panama Canal turned out well.

2:36  Fun w printers.  Two women can't get jobs to print.  Printer says Ready.  Clear their job queues,   Try again.  Still nothing.  Turn printer off/on.  Nothing.  Try backup printer for them.  Works for one.  Other still can't print Japanese-like cartoon kitty.  Is unprintable or something, like lyrics sometimes are?  Her browser seems unstable.  Find fast-food pop-up in background, try to close.  IE crashes.  Restart IE, find kitty in history.  Still can't print.  She says thanks, it's ok, never mind.  Aargh.

Straighten heavily browsed new shelves, replenish display, straighten 200's.

2:57  About time for L. to leave, & me to go back to main desk.

Check out Four Freedoms by John Crowley to mending.  Back cover has come loose.

Books about probation?  No, sorry.  Can show her articles in Gale, but she's already tried those.

Man wonders if we still get Linux Magazine.  Tell him they were mine.  Someone gave me a sub, and I put them out on the rack for others to read.  I have July issue on my desk.  I get it for him.

1984.  "I'm going to make my husband read it!"  Laughs.  None on 2nd floor.  Point her to YA carousels on 1st floor.

Has author of The Shack written anything else?  Appears not, from a look at William P. Young's web site.  Do we have What's So Amazing About Grace, by Philip Yancey?  Take to shelf.

Returns USA Today.

DT says hi.  She's not working today, but she came in to print out a Borders coupon because her printer at home is out of ink.

Liquid Paper®.

Sky very dark.  It's gone quiet.

She wants to know where to get a billed cap like the one on the Rose Society Display.  It is rose-colored, with the seal of the Tallahassee Area Rose Society on the front.  "It's a cool hat, isn't it?  I bet you have to join."  She inspects a membership application.

Today's Democrat?  Is in use.  Wants to read baseball stories.


Do we have study guide for Exceptional Student Education portion of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam?  No, sorry.

Phone:  What is full name of a Mr. Snow who worked for the Bush administration, and who was CEO of CSX Corporation?  John W. Snow.


(And the time was my last entry.  We got slammed from then until the library closed at 5:00.)

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